05 June, 2012

Grains: are they really that bad for you?

Many South Africans have been interested in Professor Tim Noakes' recent writings about the evils of refined carbohydrates and grains in particular for many people. For a long time, I resisted the idea that grains (and wheat in particular) could cause so many health problems.  I had the feeling that, if you went to see a practitioner with 'alternative' leanings, you would undoubtedly be told to cut wheat out of your diet... it was as if there was an unwritten code amongst homeopaths, nutritionists etc.  I rebelled against this one-size-fits-all approach.  Then I discovered Tim Ferriss' amazing book The 4-Hour Body.  His "Slow-Carb" diet requires you to cut out everything from your diet that is 'white or can be made white'. Quite simple really! When I changed my diet and when I stick to it (!) I notice a definitely change in my energy levels, focus and most importantly body composition - less fat more lean! For me, this diet is close to what Tim Noakes is talking about, close to the Paleo Diet and close to what Weston-Price suggested.  I have noticed that when certain patients cut out grains, they feel MUCH better, and I know that this is an effect of then cutting out the food rather than some other intervention, as when they lapse and eat grains in any quantity, their symptoms return - often very rapidly!
So, if you have any allergic condition (asthma, hayfever, eczema) or any digestive or skin complaint, or are diabetic, have metabolic syndrome or any autoimmune disease (RA, SLE etc), then give a grain-free diet a try. 

What should you eat and what should you avoid?
Cut out all grains and potatoes. This means NO pasta, rice, cereals, bread or pastries, chips etc.
It really is as simple as that! You do not NEED pure carbohydrate foods in most circumstances. 
Instead, eat lots of vegetables, some protein at each meal (eggs, fish, poultry, red meat, cottage cheese, nuts and seeds, beans), oils and only a little bit of fresh seasonal fruit - particularly berries.  Do not drink fruit juice! Never ever eat margarine - use butter from grassfed cows or cold pressed seed oils instead.
I am sure you will feel better for it! 
If you are still not sure of what to do, buy The 4-Hour Body or Tim Noakes' book or see a practitioner who is well versed with these dietary changes and can help you with an individualised plan.

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