22 December, 2011

Vitamin D to the Rescue - again!

I have written about the benefits of Vitamin D a few times before. I can't stress enough how important it is to maintain your blood levels of Vitamin D above 50ng/ml. Here is a video that talks about some of the benefits of this incredibly important substance:
The Real Story on Vitamin D

05 December, 2011

Stop Smoking Drugs Associated with Suicide, Self Harm & Depression

In a recent report in the continuing medical education publication Medscape, the authors reported:  
"Varenicline (Chantix, Pfizer or Champix) is associated with a significantly increased risk for suicidal behavior and depression, according to new research.
In a study of more than 13,000 cases of adverse events involving smoking cessation products over the course of 13 years, investigators found that 90% of the reports of self-injurious behavior or depression were associated with the use of varenicline. Bupropion and nicotine replacement products were responsible for the remaining 7% and 3%, respectively.
"This should not be a first-line drug. If you start with the others, [and] they don't work, and you have to use a drug, then you use Chantix. But you must monitor the mental status of patients who use it," coinvestigator Curt D. Furberg, MD, PhD, professor of public health sciences at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, told Medscape Medical News.
"Ideally, I think it should come off the market, but that is not realistic. So a more realistic recommendation is to restrict its use."

Well I have to agree with Dr Furberg - take this drug off the market! The moral of the story is: use willpower and natural medicine, acupuncture or other treatments to stop smoking and don't take your life in your hands by taking Champix or any other stop-smoking drug. But whatever you do, STOP SMOKING IMMEDIATELY - its never too soon or too late!!

27 November, 2011

Homeopathy Gives Significant Results in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia

I have recently come across a 2004 study published in the international journal Rheumatology. This trial examined the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment of patients suffering from the increasingly common problem of fibromyalgia. The results were overwhelmingly positive and illustrate what I have personally found in practice: fibromyalgia patients can benefit significantly from individualised homeopathic treatment!
In this trial, participants on active treatment showed significantly greater improvements in tender point count and tender point pain, quality of life, global health and a trend toward less depression compared with those on placebo.

The authors conclude: "the present study demonstrated that individualized homeopathy is significantly better than placebo in lessening tender point pain and improving the quality of life and global health of persons with fibromyalgia."

Why I also think that this trial is so important, is that it clearly shows how homeopathic treatment not only benefits the symptoms, but improves the person's overall state of health and physical and mental health, as opposed to regular anti-inflammatories and analgesics that simply mask the problem and may bring a host of side effects with them. 

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, find an experienced, registered homeopath soon!

Reference: I. R. Bell, D. A. Lewis, A. J. Brooks, G. E. Schwartz, S. E. Lewis, B. T. Walsh and C. M. Baldwin. Improved clinical status in fibromyalgia patients treated with individualized homeopathic remedies versus placebo. Rheumatology 2004;1

21 November, 2011

Catch me discussing the role of complementary medicine in South African healthcare on Bush Radio, 89.5FM in Cape Town at 12h30 today!

25 October, 2011

The Tree of Life

I though I would share this fascinating image of the evolutionary relationships between all plants, animals, fungi and bacteria. It has helped me to remember that we are all interconnected and come from a single source and also how medicines from the plant, animal, fungal and bacterial world can help us reintegrate with that source, become more connected to the world around us and become whole again

26 September, 2011

Buchu - one of our most famous exports!

Agathosma betulina / crenulata 
An amazing volatile oil -rich plant endemic to the Western Cape, is a fantastic medicine for digestive disturbances. 
If taken as a tea or tincture (Buchu Brandy is and old Cape remedy), it helps to enliven sluggish, underperforming digestive tracts. It is great for bloating, gassiness and fermentation in the gut, it wakes up and stimulates (like many other members of the Citrus family) digestive functions. Buchu may also be useful in some respiratory problems, and is a urinary antiseptic - helpful in certain types of cystitis and other urinary infections.
If you live in the Western Cape, grow some of your own!
will give you some more information on this famous old Cape botanical medicine

02 September, 2011

Herbs for Spring: as seen on SABC 3's Expresso

Phytotherapy, or medical herbalism, can help with a wide variety of complaints. Herbal medicines can be used and prescribed in many forms such as tinctures, glycerites, powders, capsules, tablets, creams, oils and also water extracts called infusions (simple tea) or decoctions (boiled tea). Infusions and decoctions are simple and easy ways to prepare safe and helpful herbal medicines for yourself at home. Infusions are generally used for flowers and leaves and decoctions are used to extract the active ingredients from harder material such as roots, barks and seeds.
This morning on SABC's breakfast show, Expresso, I attempted to show how the herbs Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and Nettle (Urtica dioica) can be used to make a tea which is anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and has anti-histamine effects. One or both of these herbs together, if drunk regularly (as an infusion), can help with allergies and hayfever prevalent at this time of the year. 
Nettle can also be used with Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and Burdock (Arctium lappa) to make a decoction which is excellent for gently cleansing and detoxifying the body. Spring is a good time to clear out accumulated wastes and to help the body switch from a storage type metabolism to a more 'summery' usage metabolism. These three herbs can help the body's organs of elimination and detoxification (skin, kidneys, lungs, skin and liver) to work more effectively and by so doing improve general health.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is also a fantastic tea for enhancing metabolism, improving digestion, increasing circulation and generally promoting health. In Ayurveda it is know as vishwabheshaja - the universal medicine! 
While generally these are very safe herbs, if you have any doubt or are on any medications, always consult a qualified and registered phytotherapist or homeopath. 


For An infusion
Add 250ml freshly boiled water to 1 teaspoon dried or 2-3 teaspoons fresh herb. place a lid on the container to prevent essential oils from escaping (e.g. a saucer on your cup). Leave to stand for at least 5 minutes, strain and sip. A small amount of honey may be added if you feel the need. Infusions are generally taken warm and between 1 - 6 times daily depending on age, body size and health problems
For a decoction
add 30g of dried herb (e.g. Dandelion root) or up to 90g of fresh herb to 500ml cold water. Place on the stove and gently bring up to boiling point with the lid on.  Simmer very slowly for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and leave to cool down. Strain and drink a cup up to three times a day. This preparation will not keep more than a couple of days.

Keep yourself healthy with herbal medicines, but if you have a serious problem or your problem persists or gets worse or if you are unsure, please consult a suitably qualified practitioner!

02 August, 2011

Professor Tim Noakes takes on the white (refined carbohydrate) elephant in the room...

Internationally renowned Professor Tim Noakes of the Sports Science Institute of the University of Cape Town has recently written an article in the Winter 2011 Discovery Magazine called 'Against the Grain'. In his controversial (for some!) article, Professor Noakes points out how the carbohydrate-skewed 'food pyramid' contributes to so many obese Americans, deficiency diseases and other troubles. I really have to agree with him...

26 July, 2011

Cholesterol Deceptions: some interesting facts about the dangers of cholesterol and statin drugs

Cholesterol Deceptions: From Eggs to Statins, What Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You About Cholesterol, is an interesting article on the often overblown significance of slightly raised cholesterol levels and the dangers of statin drugs. An interesting assertion made by lipid biochemistry expert Mary Enig, PhD is that cholesterol levels of between 5.18 and 6.22 are NORMAL, i.e. a patient should not be on statins if they have tested at this widely regarded "high" level. 
Never look at total cholesterol levels in isolation - always insist on a lipogram where you can get a more complete picture of good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol levels, and get your Vitamin D levels checked for good measure as this nutrient is vital for cardiovascular disease prevention.
Another problem I am encountering frequently in South Africa is that of patients who are on statin drugs, but not simultaneously taking CoEnzyme Q10. Statin drugs block the production of this vital substance, which ironically is necessary for heart and blood vessel health, amongst many other things. If you are taking statins, you MUST also supplement with CoEnzyme Q10 (available from pharmacies and health stores without prescription) - and if your doctor has not prescribed this for you simultaneously with your statins, then they are not following best practice guidelines and you should take it up with them.

06 July, 2011

The 4-Hour Body - A book by Timothy Ferriss

A few months ago I was told about a book by a chiropractor friend in London - The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss. He had been recommending it to patients and everyone had been raving about how excellent the book and information contained within it was and the effectiveness of his programme. After reading the book and making changes to my diet and training regime, I can absolutely recommend this book to anyone looking to change their body composition - lose weight, gain muscle or increase strength or endurance. Timothy Ferris brings together lots of interesting scientific information and most importantly uses himself as a systematic guinea pig. I particularly like his idea of the minimum effective dose - the minimum amount of input necessary to get the maximum effects. A concept so perfectly homeopathic! I think his slow-carb diet (lots of lean protein, beans and vegetables) is excellent and his weight training programme so easy, I feel like I am cheating... I can't recommend this book more!

13 June, 2011

Warming Calendula and Other Winter Tips

With the Cape winter here, its time to think about ways to protect yourself health.

The Cape winter is cold and wet and tends to induce these sort of states in many people! Individualised homeopathic treatment is one of the best ways to improve immunity and decrease sensitivity to environmental influences.  Vitamin D levels start to decline at this time of the year, and there is evidence that this contributes to a decline in your immunity and an increase in susceptibility to colds, 'flu and other infections. Most South Africans that I have tested have sub-optimal Vitamin D levels - get yours checked today! Some simple self-help tips can help keep you healthy:

27 May, 2011

Vitamin B12 Deficiency is more common than most people realise

Vitamin B12 deficiency may be a lot more common than we realise. Your blood levels of B12 should not be below 450 pg/mL. Get your level tested especially if you are older, vegetarian or vegan. Follow the link below to read the full article: 
B12 deficiency: a silent epidemic with serious consequences

02 March, 2011

Sugary soft drinks linked to high blood pressure

The BBC is reporting that a new study on fizzy or sugary soft drinks has linked them to dose-related increases in blood pressure. Read the full article here:

23 February, 2011

Whatsup Cape Town Article

Big thanks to Dirk for a great article about myself on his Blog WhatsupCapeTown! Have a read of the article here: http://www.whatsupcapetown.com/2011/cape-town-blog/profiles-craig-wright-a-new-homeopath-in-cape-town/

01 February, 2011

Nobel Prize Winner and AIDS research pioneer Luc Montagnier Supports Homeopathy

"Dr. Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, has surprised the scientific community with his strong support for homeopathic medicine.

In a remarkable interview published in Science magazine of December 24, 2010, (1) Professor Luc Montagnier, has expressed support for the often maligned and misunderstood medical specialty of homeopathic medicine. Although homeopathy has persisted for 200+ years throughout the world and has been the leading alternative treatment method used by physicians in Europe, (2) most conventional physicians and scientists have expressed skepticism about its efficacy due to the extremely small doses of medicines used."
Read the rest of Dana Ullman's excellent article from the Huffington Post at:

24 January, 2011

Adaptogens - Plant Medicine Superstars!

Many plant medicines have extensive and well-rounded effects, but the true all-rounders are a group of plants called adaptogens. These wonder-plants are able to help the body and mind adapt to changing circumstances (hence the name!) and are superb for helping with stress and all its mental and physical effects.