13 June, 2011

Warming Calendula and Other Winter Tips

With the Cape winter here, its time to think about ways to protect yourself health.

The Cape winter is cold and wet and tends to induce these sort of states in many people! Individualised homeopathic treatment is one of the best ways to improve immunity and decrease sensitivity to environmental influences.  Vitamin D levels start to decline at this time of the year, and there is evidence that this contributes to a decline in your immunity and an increase in susceptibility to colds, 'flu and other infections. Most South Africans that I have tested have sub-optimal Vitamin D levels - get yours checked today! Some simple self-help tips can help keep you healthy:

Eat and drink plenty of warming and mildly spicy things (such as Chai and curries) and look into taking Calendula officinalis, a warming, drying and cheering daisy which is one of the best herbs to to help you through this time is the year.
Calendula is an immune boosting and protecting herb that belongs to the same plant family as the famous but misused Echinacea and is more suitable for long term use. Taken throughout the winter months, Calendula can work on the lymphatic and immune systems and help to prevent colds, 'flus and other problems typically experienced in winter, and is also good at helping to lift the mood of those that are prone to 'Winter Blues' or S.A.D. The petals or flower heads, fresh or dried, can be added to soups and stews, or made into a tea to be consumed daily or small amounts of the tincture (ethanol extract) can be taken in water.

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