26 July, 2011

Cholesterol Deceptions: some interesting facts about the dangers of cholesterol and statin drugs

Cholesterol Deceptions: From Eggs to Statins, What Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You About Cholesterol, is an interesting article on the often overblown significance of slightly raised cholesterol levels and the dangers of statin drugs. An interesting assertion made by lipid biochemistry expert Mary Enig, PhD is that cholesterol levels of between 5.18 and 6.22 are NORMAL, i.e. a patient should not be on statins if they have tested at this widely regarded "high" level. 
Never look at total cholesterol levels in isolation - always insist on a lipogram where you can get a more complete picture of good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol levels, and get your Vitamin D levels checked for good measure as this nutrient is vital for cardiovascular disease prevention.
Another problem I am encountering frequently in South Africa is that of patients who are on statin drugs, but not simultaneously taking CoEnzyme Q10. Statin drugs block the production of this vital substance, which ironically is necessary for heart and blood vessel health, amongst many other things. If you are taking statins, you MUST also supplement with CoEnzyme Q10 (available from pharmacies and health stores without prescription) - and if your doctor has not prescribed this for you simultaneously with your statins, then they are not following best practice guidelines and you should take it up with them.

06 July, 2011

The 4-Hour Body - A book by Timothy Ferriss

A few months ago I was told about a book by a chiropractor friend in London - The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss. He had been recommending it to patients and everyone had been raving about how excellent the book and information contained within it was and the effectiveness of his programme. After reading the book and making changes to my diet and training regime, I can absolutely recommend this book to anyone looking to change their body composition - lose weight, gain muscle or increase strength or endurance. Timothy Ferris brings together lots of interesting scientific information and most importantly uses himself as a systematic guinea pig. I particularly like his idea of the minimum effective dose - the minimum amount of input necessary to get the maximum effects. A concept so perfectly homeopathic! I think his slow-carb diet (lots of lean protein, beans and vegetables) is excellent and his weight training programme so easy, I feel like I am cheating... I can't recommend this book more!